




被Gooogle Adsense除名后恢复方法

vikingr 发表于 2010-4-22 11:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>总有人会问到这样的问题,不管是出于不幸遭遇或者因为隐隐担心,希望本文可以为大家提供一些思路。 <br />What to do when you&rsquo;re kicked out of Adsense <br />被 Adsense 除名后怎么办? </p><p>I see threads here all the time from people who are either concerned with getting the &ldquo;fraudulent clicks&rdquo; letter, or they&rsquo;ve gotten them and now want to know how to get back in. </p><p>我总是会见到一些人在这里讨论刚刚接到&ldquo;欺诈点击&rdquo;信,或者已经接到过信,现在想重新回到google怀抱。 </p><p>I am one of a handful of people (that I&rsquo;m aware of) who have had my account knocked out for invalid clicks and been reinstated a couple of months later. </p><p>我就是因无效点击而被禁用帐户而后经过几个月又重新恢复的站长(我所知道的)之一。 </p><p>So, here&rsquo;s a little tip guide primer on what to expect and what to do. </p><p>关于这些问题,这里有一些小技巧。 </p><p>A few things first: </p><p>首先要明确的: </p><p>A) You will not receive any check that is currently unprocessed. Consider that payment forfeited (and don&rsquo;t threaten google with a lawsuit to recover it - it will just make things much, much worse). </p><p>一、目前未支付的费用不再支付。这个属于支付罚没(不要试图威胁GOOGLE诉诸法律手段解决,这只会使事情更坏) </p><p>B) Do confess to them any and all circumstances where you might have screwed up. If you didn&rsquo;t screw up and are genuinely baffled you will need your server logs to locate suspicious activity. I highly recommend getting click tracking software to monitor your ads for exactly this scenario. If you don&rsquo;t have server logs or tracking software, YOU are at fault by default. </p><p>二、承认任何可能的作弊行为。如果你没有作弊,而且觉得很冤枉,这就需要服务器的日志来定位可以活动。我极力推荐采用追踪软件监控广告的精确投放情况。如果你没有日志或追踪软件,那只能说你从一开始就错了J。 </p><p>C) The account disabling was both automated and then verified manually. Google examines the location of where clicks were coming from. If they see that too many clicks are from the same geographic area as where they send your check (or the ip you log in from) that sets off a red flag. Competitors clicking on your ads is something Google is well aware of and can track as well (they know their geographic area too) </p><p>三、帐号是自动禁用和手工验证结合的。Google检测点击来自的位置。如果有太多的点击来自将来寄给你支票的地方,或者你登陆后台的ip,这就是危险的信号。GOOGLE同样知道竞争对手在点你的广告,这也会被记录在案(他们同样知道他们的地理位置)。 </p><p>To get your account reinstated: </p><p>想恢复你的帐号: </p><p>A)Write google an apology and discuss steps you&rsquo;ve taken so the situation won&rsquo;t arise in the future. Don&rsquo;t avoid blame, even if you knew nothing about what your friends were doing when they decided to &ldquo;help&rdquo; you by clicking on your ads. The fact is, by revealing information about how you make money to someone else, you are setting yourself up for this situation. I&rsquo;m not being judgemental, just telling you how Google sees it. In your letter to them, recognize and admit this. </p><p>一、写信给GOOGLE道歉并阐述你如何确保以后不再出现此类行为。不要规避过失,即使你并不知道你的朋友们想&ldquo;帮助&rdquo;你的时候点了你的广告。实际上,提醒别人你是如何挣钱的就会使你陷入此种境地。我不想评判什么,只是告诉你GOOGLE如何看待这个。给GOOGLE的信中,承认过失。 </p><p>B)Offer to make good on any fraudulent clicks. They won&rsquo;t take you up on it, but they will know that you are genuinely sorry and want to keep their business. </p><p>二、为欺诈点击买单。他们不会收你的钱,但他们会认为你的道歉是真诚的,并且想继续合作下去。 </p><p>C)Contact someone at google directly. Don&rsquo;t just send off a random email to <a href="http://ys166.com/info/post/mailto:adsense@google.com">adsense@google.com</a>. Go to a webmasterworld conference. Meet someone in their company. Use that In when the conference is over. Worst case scenario, BUY an In into the company. Does someone you know have an In there? Offer to pay them to to speak to their In on your behalf. A big adwords spender with a personal ad rep is a good place to begin. </p><p>三、直接联系GOOGLE的工作人员。不要只随便丢封电子邮件给<a href="http://ys166.com/info/post/mailto:adsense@google.com">adsense@google.com</a>。加入webmasterworld会议,会见一些公司的人,会议结束后用In(谁知道这鬼是什么东东?)。最坏的情况,买个In进入公司。你知道那里谁有In么?出钱让他们代表你直接跟In谈谈。来头较大的adwords会员做这个比较好。 </p><p>D)Seek out text ad competition immediately. Even if the ads aren&rsquo;t as high-paying as Googles (and they won&rsquo;t be), it will break the sting of losing all of your income until Google does come back around to review your case. </p><p>四、马上搜索文本广告竞争对手,即便这广告的费率不高(实际也不会高的)。这将削弱失去所有收入带来的阵痛直到GOOGLE回来检查你的问题。 </p><p>E)Be persistent, but polite. Send a letter (a new one) once a week. Keep reiterating your loyalty to their program and how you are prepared to write letters forever until they will understand you are committed to following their rules if they will reaccept you. </p><p>五、坚持每周礼貌地给GOOGLE发信(不要千篇一律)。告诉他们你对ADSENSE的诚意,告诉他们你会一直写信直到他们意识到你将遵守游戏规则如果他们重新接纳你。 </p><p>Now for the bad news&hellip;. </p><p>一些坏消息。。。 </p><p>None of this will probably help. To be reviewed for readmission, your site must be large enough that the revenue is worth a potentially risky business move. </p><p>或许这些都没用。要想获得被审查的机会,你的站必须大到值得冒重新接纳潜在的风险。 </p><p>If they don&rsquo;t answer your letters anymore and all hope is lost, you are now left with basically one recourse assuming you really want to be in their program: Change your domain name, bank account, IP address, ISP and site design. Wait two months, then take on a partner you trust. Reapply for the program under this new partner&rsquo;s name and address, (now especially possible given Google&rsquo;s automatic deposit program). Learn from your mistakes and never do anything that can potentially result in your ads being clicked on fraudulently again. So, really, get a partner you can trust will not click as well. </p><p>如果他们没有回复你的邮件,所有希望就落空了。如果真的很想重新加入,你只有一条最基本的路可走:换域名、银行帐号、IP地址、ISP还有站点设计,等两个月,然后请个你可以信赖的朋友,用你朋友的名字和地址重新申请帐号()。吸取教训,不要再做任何可能导致欺诈点击的事了。千万,你的朋友也不要让他点击。 </p><p>To anyone else who hasn&rsquo;t been kicked out yet and never wants to be: </p><p>写给那些还没被踢而且永远不想被踢的: </p><p>A)Shut up about how you make money when talking to friends and family. Let them privately think you run a bestiality porn site or something. It&rsquo;s still better than them clicking on your ads </p><p>一、跟朋友/家人绝口不谈你是如何挣钱的。让他们私下认为你在开一个XXX站或别的什么也比他们点你的广告要好。 </p><p>B)Disable ads for your own ip and local geographic region, if you have access to that data and it won&rsquo;t hurt your business. Ditto with your competition&rsquo;s ip address. If you don&rsquo;t know it, write him an email pretending to be a customer and look at his return headers. </p><p>二、如果可以的话(不少赚钱的前提下),在你自己的IP或本地区IP段禁用广告。对竞争对手IP,也这样做。如果不知道的话,可以假装是他的顾客发封邮件过去然后看回信的邮件头。 </p><p>C)Get click-monitoring software and check it daily. Be vigilant in notifying Google about what YOU think is fraud, even if they don&rsquo;t. Your notifications to them will come in especially handy should your account ever be flagged by them. You&rsquo;ll be remembered as honest. </p><p>三、抓一个点击监控软件并每天检查。提高警惕,随时通知GOOGLE告诉他们你认为哪些点击是可疑的,即便他们不是。如果你的帐户曾经被他们注意过(异常),这个通知就特别有用。这会留下诚实的印象。 </p><p>D)Think of Google for the long term, not the short term. So you&rsquo;re having a bad month and think clicking on an ad you might be interested in anyway doesn&rsquo;t hurt anyone? You&rsquo;re wrong. This month might be bad. Next month will be good. Google revenue is about long term averages. Is a few cents click worth the loss of thousands of dollars in the long term? Definitely not. </p><p>四、考虑GOOGLE眼光放长远一些。有个月广告很疲软,你就想点一下,你也许想这不会伤害任何人。错了。这个月可能很不好,下个月就可能会好。GOOGLE收益应该是长销平均的收益。长远看,为了几分钱的点击而几千美圆,值得么?显然不! </p><p>Take it from me, I&rsquo;ve been there, been put out on the street, and eventually been reaccepted (after a lot of hard work). It can and does happen to any of us. Just make sure the odds of it happening to you are as slim as possible. </p><p>我就像被赶出来丢弃到街上,然后又很偶然的被重新接纳了(经过一系列努力)。这情形会而且已经发生在我们身上。让它的几率越来越小吧.</p>

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